A place to share and preserve Cuba’s rich history and heritage; a global forum where top Cuban scholars and policymakers from around the world can meet and share their ideas; a vibrant education center where students and professionals will find learning resources and mentorship; a dynamic space to showcase Cuban arts and culture. CasaCuba is truly a home where we can all find our roots and envision a shared future as one people.
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About this Department
A place to share and preserve Cuba’s rich history and heritage; a global forum where top Cuban scholars and policymakers from around the world can meet and share their ideas; a vibrant education center where students and professionals will find learning resources and mentorship; a dynamic space to showcase Cuban arts and culture. CasaCuba is truly a home where we can all find our roots and envision a shared future as one people.
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Curator Tour of Tesoro with artist Pepe Mar
Tue, Nov 16, 2021 12pm to 1pm
Un Viejo Amor Presentación de la nueva Enciclopedia Discográfica USA-Cuba: Intercambios Musicales de Cristóbal Díaz Ayala
Tue, Jun 22, 2021 6:30pm
Virtual Event
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