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11200 SW 8th ST, Deuxieme Maison, Miami, Florida 33199
#mathematicsProfessor Laura De Carli will come to Miami this week. She kindly agreed to give an in-person colloquium talk this Thursday, Oct 13, at 3:45pm, in DM 409A.
Title: Weaving Riesz bases, and piecewise weighted frames
Abstract: This talk consists of two parts loosely connected to one another. In the first part we discuss the properties of a family of Riesz bases on a separable Hilbert space H obtained in the following way:
For every N>1 we let B_N= {w_j }_{j=1}^N U {v_j }_{j=N+1}^\infty, where {v_j }_{j=1}^\infty is a Riesz basis of H and B= {w_j }_{j=1}^\infty is a set of unit vectors. We find necessary and sufficient conditions that ensure that the B_N and B are Riesz bases, and we apply our results to the construction of weighted exponential bases on domains of L^2.
In the second part of the talk, we present results on weighted Riesz bases and frames in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, with piecewise constant weights. We use our results to construct tight frames in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
We highly encourage students to attend.
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