Don’t Be Satisficed! A Two-Part Workshop on Writing Surveys in Qualtrics
Thursday, June 9, 2022 11am to 12pm
About this Event
Please join us for this two-part workshop series on creating good surveys!
Part one (6/7) will cover the basics of writing survey questions that will yield the most accurate data using social science. You’ll learn how to avoid satisficing, acquiescing, bias, and much more while creating your survey.
Confused about the new updates to Qualtrics? Part two (6/9) will be a live demo of Qualtrics and how to use it to your advantage. We will look at creating a survey from scratch, importing question, dissemination tools, and will answer all your questions.
Tuesday June 7 & Thursday June 9, 11AM-12-PM
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About the presenter: Kelley Rowan, M.M., M.A., M.L.I.S.: Kelley is the Digital Archives Librarian in the Digital Collections Center at FIU. She serves as the ETD librarian, publishing all university theses and dissertations and manages various collections in dPanther, the digital repository. Her research interests include the science of survey creation, copyright, and privacy. Look for her recurring workshops on these topics through FIU’s Digital Scholar Studio.
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