About this Event
11200 SW 8th ST, Campus Support Complex, Miami, Florida 33199
#golfcartsafetyTo register for this training, you must be a current faculty or staff. Please do the following:
1. Go to https://profdev.fiu.edu
2. Log in using your employee credentials
3. Click on enroll tab
4. Click on Environmental Health and Safety
5. Select section and register
6. Click on 'confirm pending enrollment'
Prior to registration for the in-class portion, you MUST complete the online version of the Golf Cart Training. If you have not done so please click on the link (or copy/paste into new browser) https://fiumdl.fiu.edu; log in using your FIU credentials then go to Environmental Health & Safety. Find and complete Golf Cart Safety PT 1.
You MUST have the certificate of completion, from the online portion, with you when you attend the in-class portion.
This training was established for the safe operation of Golf Carts on University Premises. Cost is $10.00 per individual. Please pay using an ID Transfer; payment must be received before date of training.
Certification is valid for 3 years.