MME Graduate Seminar: Current development, Opportunities and Challenges in Cold Spray and Rapid Advanced Deposition - Dr. Cheng Zhang
Friday, October 1, 2021 3pm to 4:30pm
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A brand-new Cold Spray and Rapid Advanced Deposition (ColRAD) laboratory is coming to FIU. It is the first of its kind laboratory in the state of Florida. Cold spray is a newly emerged coating deposition technique among other rapid advanced deposition technologies. It utilizes pressurized gas to accelerate the metallic particle to the velocity of 1000 m/s and impact onto a substrate to form coatings. Being in the thermal spray family, the deposition mechanism in cold spray, however, fundamentally differs from other traditional thermal spray techniques, such as HVOF and plasma spray, in which involve high temperature and melting of feedstock particles. Cold spray process is a solid-state process, and it eliminates the necessity of high heat. This brings unprecedented advantages over the traditional thermal spray. Significant reduction in oxidation for metallic powders, predictable resultant microstructure and mechanical properties, and portability! These advantages bring unique applications and opportunities in cold spray field. This presentation will highlight our research on understanding the bonding and deformation mechanisms during cold spray using various state-of-art in-situ testing apparatuses as well as showcase the current applications, future opportunities and challenges in cold spray and other rapid advanced deposition techniques.
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