Nile Talk Forum: Hydroegoism and Misinformation in the way of Nile/GERD Negotiation: Transcending the traditional approaches to a long-term progressive cooperation
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8am to 9:30am
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This forum brings experts in Nile and other transboundary river issues of the world to discuss experiences in diffusing tensions, sharing the common good, build trust and develop collaboration and cooperation.
Dr. Semu Moges | Consultant and Associate Research Professor | University of Connecticut
Hydroegoism and Misinformation in the way of Nile/GERD Negotiation: Transcending the traditional approaches to a long-term progressive cooperation
The Nile basin is confronted with emerging challenges that extends to the future ability of the basin community to sustainably plan and pursue cooperative development agenda. Some of the direct challenges related to water and land resources include water stress, food insecurity, land degradation, lack of access to energy and economic growth (NBI, GERD is a project born out of desperation of the failure of the Nile countries to conclude a cooperative framework agreement (CFA). The stalling of the Nile/GERD negotiation between the three countries of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan reflects the ongoing resistance for equitable and reasonable cooperation (Hydroegoism). Hydroegoisim is a concept coined to implicate the stand of countries to defy the shared nature transboundary rivers and focus to satisfy their national geopolitical self-interests. The term refers to the control of water based on power, river-basin position (upstream vs. downstream), and potential to exploit water. Hydroegoism largely contributed to proliferation of misinformation and disinformation in the current Nile/GERD negotiation, thereby weakening the countries’ ability to conclude a fair and reasonable deal. This presentation highlights examples of hydroegoism in the Nile/GERD negotiation, the ongoing information war and the way forward to transcend the traditional confrontation based on benchmarking, long term approaches such as progressive cooperation, joint economic development and hydrosolidarity.
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