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11200 SW 8th ST, School of Intl & Pub Affairs, Miami, Florida 33199
"Credit Scores: Performance and Equity", by Stefania Albanesi, University of Miami (Venue: SIPA 100)
Dr. Albanesi is the Philip K. Robins Endowed Chair in Economics at the Miami Herbert Business School, a Research Associate at the NBER and a CEPR Research Fellow. Prior to her appointment to the University of Miami, she was a professor at Bocconi University, Duke University, Columbia University, University of Pittsburgh and a Research Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. She has studied the political economy of inflation, the optimal taxation of capital and labor income, mortgage markets and consumer bankruptcy, the role of credit scores for access to consumer credit, and the evolution of gender disparities in labor market outcomes. Professor Albanesi completed her PhD in economics at Northwestern University and has a bachelor's degree in economics from Bocconi University.