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STEM content presents unique accessibility challenges. For example, images
used in STEM content tend to be more complex and require more extensive
description to ensure the information is available to everyone, including
learners who use assistive technology. Mathematical notation also requires
special attention to make sure the notation is rendered in an
understandable way to those who listen to the information with assistive
technology. In addition to learning about image description and math
notation, you’ll learn about technologies for making models, simulations
and computer code more accessible to all learners.

Diverse group of FIU students put their paws up

Statement of Free Expression

FIU endorses the Florida Board of Governors' Statement of Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our campuses. In addition to supporting this legal right, we view this as an integral part of our ability to deliver a high-quality academic experience for our students, engage in meaningful and productive research, and provide valuable public service. This includes fostering civil and open dialogue in support of critical thinking in and out of the classroom, including events hosted by the university.