WE DEH YAH, Still Celebrating Indo-Jamaican Cultural Heritage
Saturday, September 17, 2022 12pm to 2pm
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1930 SW 145th Avenue Miramar, FL 33027
#Indo-JamaicanCulturalPresented by the Department of Religious Studies and South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)
Join the SAADA 2021-2022 Archival Creators Fellow, Michael A. Henry, for the We Deh Yah, Still closing reception which features oral history recordings, commissioned art by Amanda Williams of London, and photography from RASweetland Image Archives recounting the diverse stories of Indo-Jamaicans in South Florida and the ways in which they identify with, preserve, and promote their South Asian culture while being immigrants to the U.S. from Jamaica. Indo-Jamaicans are descendants of those who came or were brought from the Indian sub-continent to Jamaica immediately following the 1833 abolition of slavery in the British Empire. Jamaica was one of nineteen British overseas colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean to receive over two million people to fill the labor shortage created by the departure of former slaves from plantations. Attendees will get to experience the art, music, and culture of the lesser known Indo-Jamaican diaspora.
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